Ten Simple Ways to Improve Immunity During Winter

Ten Simple Ways to Improve Immunity During Winter

Here's ten simple ways to maintain good immunity over the cold winter months, so that you can actually enjoy winter rather than just endure it.

  1.  Avoid stress. Being in a relaxed state helps your immune system to function optimally.
  2. Avoid sugar. Sugar can lower your immunity by decreasing white blood cell activity.
  3. Get some sunlight on your skin. Exposing the skin to sunlight provides the body with vitamin D. Vitamin D is necessary for healthy immunity.
  4. Maintain optimal levels of friendly bacteria in the body. Taking a good probiotic is invaluable for maintaining healthy immunity.  "Bad bugs" struggle to get a strong hold if you have good populations of friendly bacteria residing in the body.
  5. Eat a natural, whole-food diet (preferably organic). This will ensure that you're getting all the nutrients your body needs to maintain healthy immunity.
  6. Increase pitta (fire) foods in the diet. This helps the body to balance vata and kapha seasonal attributes during the coldness of winter.
  7. Keep warm. Rug-up and put extra clothing on when going outside. Becoming chilled creates stress on the body which can lower immunity and increase susceptibility to winter ills.
  8. Use an immunity enhancing adaptogen such as Reishi Immune to help the body adapt better to external stressors, and to improve immune function and total well-being. 
  9. Maintain your zinc levels. Zinc is an important mineral for healthy immunity. You can learn more about signs of zinc deficiency here, as well as the best food sources for helping to maintain healthy zinc levels in the body.
  10. Take an organic, natural, non-synthetic, food-state vitamin C supplement. Vitamin C is well known for its ability to help maintain healthy immunity. 
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