They say that your eyes are the windows to your soul, well they're actually the windows to your body too. Your irises can tell you a lot about your state of health. They can indicate weaknesses in your health picture and be a guiding indication as to what organs or parts of your body may need improvement in order to improve your over-all health. Using the eyes to gather information about your health is called iridology.
Discolourations of the irises:
There are three standard eye colours - blue, grey and brown. Each one of these basic eye colours has its own tendencies towards particular health complaints, but discolourations within your basic eye colour can create a picture of which organ or organs may need addressing to help improve the state of your health.
Brown discolouration - can be an indication of compromised liver function.
Yellow discolouration - can be an indication of compromised kidney function.
Orange discolouration - can be an indication of compromised pancreas function.
If there are combinations of these colours it can be an indication that the function of more than one of these organs may be affecting your health.
Markings in the irises:
If you have a look at your irises in the mirror (better still use a magnifying glass to look if you have one) you will probably notice many different markings, fibres or gaps in the fibres within your irises.
Each area of your irises correlates with a particular organ or part of the body. Therefore, these markings can be a further indication as to what part of your body may be affected by your health or may need addressing to improve your overall health picture.
A person trained in iridology can tell a lot about the state of your health from looking at your eyes, however please note - iridology is not intended to be used as a diagnosis for pathological conditions.
Interested in finding out what your irises may be indicating about your health?