Turning your shower to cold at the end of a nice warm shower is not most people's idea of a good time, but it can actually be really good for you, even more so if you do it twice, alternating between hot and cold as follows: normal warm shower >turn to cold for a short time >turn back to warm for a short time >then finally end your shower on another cold rinse. You can train yourself to relax in the cold phases by consciously breathing through them. Then when you hop out of the shower, vigorously rub yourself dry from the feet upwards and dress immediately.
The variance in temperature application causes an alternation of dilation and constriction within the body which creates a flushing action whereby circulation is increased, and removal of toxic waste products is increased. It can also help reduce pain and inflammation in the body and has a general toning effect. It also enhances the body's adaptive capabilities.
Various forms of hydrotherapy have been utilised since ancient times throughout many cultures, but for many of us in modern times, daily showering is common-place, and a very easy way to adjust the temperature of your water application with just a hand movement, so therefore it's a super easy, convenient way to benefit from the effects of 'alternate temperature hydrotherapy'.
However, it is not advisable to use hydrotherapy temperature treatment if you have an underlying health condition, or during pregnancy. And if you have lowered vitality or poor circulation, it is best to not use extreme temperature contrasts initially; temperature variation may be increased once vitality and circulation improves.